Welcome to our homepage.
To help continue and maintain the rooms and website, please help us, by buying us a “beer”. which is a one off donation, alternatively if you’d like to help us reach the objective of having a room most of the time, consider a small monthly membership from $3 per month.
We don’t actually use the money to buy beer – it does go towards future rooms. We do realise that other apps might charge a member enough to cover the room and more, but we’re hoping that those guys that enjoy the room, will donate more.
While the zoom rooms cost $20 per month, they are sometimes suspended, so we are trying to keep this in mind, we’re hoping if we can get all the guys to put a few dollars into the piggy bank, there should be an available room most of the time, ideally all the time.
Links to community room(s) are listed at https://www.brownroom.org/
Should you buy us a beer and any information you didn’t plan to publish appears, please email attendant@thescat.org